Tom Lee Music, the largest musical instrument retailer in Hong Kong, is currently featuring promotional products to reward its customers.  Purchase of any of its musical instruments and customers are able to walk away with an environmentally friendly bag or umbrella, with the Tom Lee signature.

Tom Lee Promo Mechanism

The brand has done everything right – offering functional products, ensuring repeat usage and getting their signature colour of yellow and black on the items.. However, we feel that something is still missing from this promotion.

Plain promo products do not really do well in enticing

Irrelevance to what it is selling aside, for the price customers pay to purchase each musical instrument, Tom Lee could offer something more exclusive rather than a standard bag or umbrella? Established brands can design a more unique bag or umbrella that can be used on promotions over the long term, incorporating their theme instead of leaving it plain.


  • Have the items more exclusive with whimsical designs of musical instruments or bands on the bag and umbrella.. *
  • Tiered promotions so more expensive purchases mean better gifts.

*  See how Haagen Dazs has designed its giveaway bag


Another great option they could explore is to have the handle of the umbrella to be in the shape of a guitar fretboard.

What do you think?