Freundin, a popular fashion and style magazine, is running a competition in Germany. Have a look at their promotional cup:

Promotional Cup With Slogan

Freundin is raffling cups to make their marketing campaign exciting. To take part in the competition you need to visit their webpage and complete a special memory game. Finally, you have to submit your address and with a few luck the Freundin cup will be yours.

The promotional item is related to the magazine, because a lot of people like drinking coffee or tea in the morning while reading the newspaper or trendy magazines. Also the slogan makes people feel better in the morning, especially those who do not like to get up early. This is a good reason why people would choose this cup instead of another common cup. The product and the easiness of taking part in this competition serve as a good incentive to visit the webpage and consequently get to know more about the company.

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Just a few words to our German speakers:

Kaffeetassen können gut für Werbekampagnen verwendet werden. Durch ihre stetige Benutzung zum Morgenkaffe oder Tee wird das Markenbewusstsein gestärkt. Da dies ein Ziel jeder Werbekampagne ist, ist der Werbeartikel gut gewählt. Auch die lange Haltbarkeit von Tassen spricht für sie, denn so wirken sie über einen langen Zeitraum. Wer demnächst also eine Werbekampagne plant, sollte in Betracht ziehen eine geeignete  Tasse als Werbeartikel einzusetzen.