1 06, 2021

5 Casino Promotion Ideas: Tips for Brand Activation Managers


Imagine harnessing the allure of the casino, with its glitz, glamour, and thrill, to draw in potential customers and [...]

5 Casino Promotion Ideas: Tips for Brand Activation Managers2023-08-03T10:29:31+08:00
15 09, 2020

How to Pass a Packaging Drop Test for Promotional Products


A concern that our clients have is the safety of the promotional merchandise during handling and shipment. They worry that [...]

How to Pass a Packaging Drop Test for Promotional Products2020-09-15T16:22:26+08:00
20 07, 2020

EVFTA Brings More Opportunities for the EU – Product Sourcing in Vietnam


On June 8, 2020, Vietnam’s National Assembly ratified the European Union Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which will then take effect around [...]

EVFTA Brings More Opportunities for the EU – Product Sourcing in Vietnam2023-04-21T16:50:46+08:00
29 05, 2020

In-Store Redemption Gift: Effective Loyalty Program for Restaurants


We have an office based in Zhuhai and recently we received this redemption gift coupon from a local salad bar [...]

In-Store Redemption Gift: Effective Loyalty Program for Restaurants2023-01-24T08:21:08+08:00
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