great outdoors advertising examples

Outdoor advertising has consistently stood as a powerful medium to capture consumers’ attention worldwide. Over the last decade, we have witnessed a series of ground-breaking campaigns that have captured eyeballs and set new benchmarks for creativity in the advertising industry. 

Let’s take a journey through the ten most groundbreaking outdoor advertising campaigns of the last decade. These campaigns highlight brands that dared to think outside the box with inventive and original approaches.

What is Outdoor Advertising?

Outdoor advertising, also known as out-of-home (OOH) advertising, is a broad term that covers all types of advertising that reach consumers when they’re not at home. 

This can range from traditional billboards and posters to contemporary digital displays and interactive installations. The primary goal of outdoor advertising is to catch the eye of people on the go, making a strong impression that is impossible to ignore.

They also come in various forms:

  • Traditional Outdoor Advertising: Includes billboards and transit ads like bus wraps

Shade Advertising Products

  • Street Furniture: Ads on benches, bus shelters, newsracks, and kiosks, typically in busy areas for high visibility.

street advertising

Point of Sale Displays

  • Mobile Billboards: Large ads on vans or trailers, offering mobility to target specific locations and times.
  • Guerrilla Advertising: Unconventional methods like sidewalk graphics, sticker bombing, and flash mobs to create a strong brand impression.

Guerrilla Advertising

Digital Signage

  • Interactive Installations: Engages the audience directly with the ad, creating a memorable experience and strengthening the brand connection.

Outdoor advertising shines in its ability to offer high visibility. By smartly positioning ads in areas with heavy footfall, businesses can ensure their message is seen by many potential customers. Whether it’s a bustling city street, a busy highway, or a well-visited tourist spot, outdoor advertising has the knack to grab the attention of passersby and make a memorable impression.

In addition to its extensive reach, outdoor advertising allows businesses to target specific locations. By tailoring their outdoor advertising campaigns to specific regions, businesses can broaden their reach and increase their likelihood of success. This level of geographical customization allows for a more focused and effective marketing strategy.

Top 10 Great Outdoor Advertising Campaigns  

1. Coca-Cola’s “Friendly Twist” Campaign 

Launched on a university campus in Colombia, Coca-Cola’s “Friendly Twist” campaign was ingeniously designed to foster community and connection. 

The bottles were specially crafted so they could only be opened with another bottle, thus encouraging students to interact and cooperate to enjoy their beverage. 

This campaign was more than just a marketing ploy, it was a social experiment that cleverly used the universal appeal of Coca-Cola to create memorable encounters among peers, blending physical product interaction with brand engagement.

2. IKEA’s Subway Station Transformation  

IKEA’s innovative campaign transformed major subway stations in Paris into cozy, inviting living spaces complete with sofas, lamps, and decorations from their latest lines. 

Commuters found themselves enveloped in the warmth and style of IKEA’s home furnishings, turning their daily commute into an interactive experience. 

This transformation showcased IKEA’s extensive product catalog and demonstrated the brand’s unique flair for transforming everyday spaces into something homey.

3. Spotify’s Data-Driven Billboard Campaign 

Spotify utilized the wealth of user data it gathered to create billboards that highlighted amusing, often quirky user playlists and song choices, personalized to local areas’ specific demographics and interests. 

These billboards appeared in multiple cities and featured humorous and relatable messages, making the brand feel more accessible and connected to its users. 

The campaign showcased Spotify’s ability to blend big data with big impact, creating a personalized dialogue with its audience.

4. Delta’s “Dating Wall”

Weiden & Kennedy and Delta Airlines unveiled a creative and interactive outdoor advertising campaign. They designed a grand mural in the bustling neighborhood of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, featuring nine renowned destinations that Delta directly connects to from New York City. 

This mural encouraged passersby to snap selfies with these iconic landmarks as backdrops and share them on social media, stimulating widespread engagement. 

The Delta Dating Wall, a captivating campaign, fostered deeper connections with its audience, ignited conversations, and underscored the influence of vibrant outdoor advertising.

5. Apple’s “Shot on iPhone” Series

Apple’s “Shot on iPhone” campaign has been an ongoing success, featuring stunning photographs taken by everyday iPhone users. 

Billboards across the world display these high-quality images, illustrating the professional-grade capabilities of the iPhone camera. 

This campaign highlights the product’s features and engages a global community of users by showcasing their content in a major advertising platform, thus celebrating creativity and user participation.

6. Red Bull’s Extreme Sports Stunts

Known for its connection with high-energy action, Red Bull cleverly uses outdoor advertising to highlight its ties to extreme sports. 

Their campaigns are a spectacle of live stunts, featuring BMX bikers launching into the air or skateboarders pulling off impressive tricks in public spaces. These aren’t just ads, they’re performances that captivate onlookers and embody the brand’s slogan, “Gives You Wings.” 

This fresh take on advertising has carved out a unique identity for Red Bull, resonating with adventure-seekers globally. Just like the boundary-pushing athletes they sponsor, Red Bull’s campaigns are redefining the limits of traditional advertising.


7. Netflix’s Interactive Billboards

Netflix, a leader in the streaming industry, has taken an innovative approach to advertising by using interactive billboards to promote their shows. 

These billboards are designed to respond to user input or adapt based on real-time data. This creates a dynamic and engaging experience for anyone passing by. This interactive element captures attention and fosters a deeper connection between viewers and their favorite shows. 

It’s a testament to Netflix’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of traditional advertising, much like their groundbreaking approach to television and film.

8. LL Bean’s “Be an Outsider” Campaign 

LL Bean, a brand synonymous with outdoor living, launched an inventive marketing campaign called “Be an Outsider.” 

In this campaign, they set up outdoor workspaces complete with desks and chairs in bustling areas, inviting people to step outside the confines of their offices and work in the open air. 

This interactive experience not only caught the attention of passersby but also perfectly encapsulated LL Bean’s brand ethos and product line, which encourages outdoor activities and adventures. It was a clever way to demonstrate that the outdoors isn’t just for leisure, but it can also be a refreshing and productive workspace. 

9. McDonald’s Reflective Evening Billboards

McDonald’s, a brand known for its creative advertising, has used optical illusion in their outdoor ads to capture attention. 

The ad, illuminated against the night sky, features the golden arches and the phrase “open all night,” cleverly playing on the idea of late-night cravings. This visual trickery not only turns heads but also sticks in the memory of those who see it.

This campaign showcases how McDonald’s continues to push the boundaries of traditional advertising with its creative and thought-provoking designs.

10. British Airways #Lookup

In London, British Airways implemented an innovative advertising strategy using interactive billboards. 

When a plane was detected, the billboard display would change to show the flight number and destination of the aircraft. This unique approach not only grabbed people’s attention but also made them look up and marvel at the sight of the plane in the sky. 

It was a clever way to connect the physical world with digital information, creating a memorable experience for onlookers and enhancing BA’s brand visibility. 


The past decade has shown the powerful impact of innovative outdoor advertising on public opinion and brand engagement. These campaigns, ranging from digital billboards to interactive installations, blend creativity, technology, and strategic thought, going beyond conventional marketing.

They not only grab attention but also build a deeper bond with audiences by crafting unforgettable experiences. They show that outdoor advertising isn’t just about broadcasting a message, but about sparking a conversation with the community.

Looking ahead, the future of outdoor advertising is promising. With technological advancements and data-driven insights, it can become more targeted, interactive, and effective, revolutionizing the way messages are delivered and perceived.

How The ODM Group Can Help

The ODM Group is your go-to solution for innovative outdoor advertising products and merchandising services. 

Our team of experts understands the nuances of outdoor advertising and the importance of strategic placement. We offer a wide range of products, from billboards and banners to digital displays and interactive installations, all designed to maximize visibility and engagement.

Moreover, we offer comprehensive merchandising services to ensure your outdoor advertising campaign seamlessly integrates with your overall marketing strategy. We handle everything from product selection and design to manufacturing and distribution, providing a one-stop solution for all outdoor advertising needs.

With The ODM Group, you can rest assured that your brand will be seen, heard, and remembered.