Have you ever gone outside to shop or walk and suddenly find a store in an otherwise vacant space? Remember the sudden rise of curiosity to check out what it is and how come it popped up in your neighbourhood? We encountered the same with Pepsi’s pop-up booth! Hence, we took the liberty to inspect it and here are the top 5 things you should remember for your own pop-up shop design.

Pop Up Shop Design

Pepsi is a carbonated drink by the multinational company, PepsiCo. The company’s business encompasses the food and beverage industry with some of the known brands such as Lays and Quaker.

In this promotion, the company demonstrated just why they’re thriving in the business. Therefore, here are some tips so you could do the same or more!

Pepsi MAX Taste Challenge

After a hiatus for years, the Pepsi Taste Challenge made a comeback to challenge its cola competitor. The pop up booth will take on road tours in several countries to ask people one question: which one of the two chilled and unlabeled cola tastes better?

Their booth is hard to miss as it is literally a huge Pepsi can people have come to love and are very familiar with. Additionally, there’s floor advertising that challenges everyone to participate. As well as advertisement stands and custom coolers. The brand also did not miss utilising even their trash bins!

How to Create a Pop Up Shop Design that Captivates People?

While Pepsi’s booth is not a pop up store, it certainly tells us interesting points about a pop up shop design that turn people’s heads, captivates them to take a closer look and ultimately, get them exposed to the brand. We listed them here for you!

1. Build from your brand

When setting up pretty much anything for your business, it’s important to build from your brand. What are you trying to accomplish for the specific promotion?

Pepsi clearly accounted for its product in its pop up shop design, using the can as the shop itself. It’s an effective advertisement since people would immediately recognize the product ever from afar.

Additionally, it instantly sparks curiosity in consumers.

2. Take note of mobility

The advantage of pop up stores is in their limited time. When people hear there’s a pop-up store, they know it’ll only be there for a short time so there’s a sense of immediacy to visit.

You must take this into account for your pop up shop design and ensure your store is easy to assemble and move around. Especially if you’re doing the promotion in different cities and places for larger brand awareness and customer acquisition.

3. Take note of your decompression zone

The decompression zone is the area wherein the people transition from being outside to the inside of your pop up shop space.

This is the 5 to 15 feet distance into your retail space and must contain as little promotion as possible. This is because it might be behind them by the time they step into your space.

In this promotion, Pepsi employed floor advertising which was straightforward and huge enough for people to see even in the decompression zone.

Pop Up Shop Design
Pop Up Shop Design

4. Should stimulate your consumers’ senses

The more senses your promotions stimulate, the more it can be easy for people to recall your brand and their experience with you.

Though the brand challenged people’s sense of taste in this promotion, it also managed to rouse their competitive and inquisitive nature. Making sure the product will be at the centre of that brand experience.

5. Appropriate floor plan

Apart from minding your decompression zone, it’s also important to control and predict the movement of your consumers. This can help pinpoint which spot to put your promotions and urge impulse buying.

There are several floor plan types that might be beneficial in this such as the loop, the grid and the free flow. The loop floor plan simply goes around your space and consumer go out from where they enter.

The grid type uses aisles and the free-flow is a loose floor plan type that depends largely on your brand.

Pop Up Shop Design

Find out how to get a more cohesive and realistic visual of your planned pop up shop design from the inner layout to the visual rendering in this blog below:

Make sure not to miss out on these creative pop-up store ideas for your next outdoor promotion. 

What More Can We Suggest?

Branded Banners

Banners come in different shapes and sizes. They’re highly customizable and can be foldable. Hence, they don’t pose storage or mobility problems while ensuring consumers even from afar could know about your pop up shop.

They can also function as guides to control consumer flow and movement like in cafes.

Pop Up Banner Displays

Pop Up Counters

Pop-up counters are functional tables that are easy to store since it is foldable. They help consumers slow down and stay in a space provided for them while still exposing them to the brand.

The more pop-up counters are there, the more they could appeal to and feel welcoming to more people.

Promotional Pop Up Counters

Branded Giveaway Ideas

While the Taste Test Challenge is definitely hard to miss and forget, it’s also an opportune moment to create a lasting impression on your target market. One way of achieving this is through merchandise giveaways. Hence, here are some giveaway ideas in light of the Taste Test Challenge.

T-Shirt in a Can

Take the most popular giveaway, branded shirts, and make them exceptional in a can!

Made from tin, the can is recyclable and can be repurposed while the custom shirt allows consumers to market you, too!

Product Code: ODM-11

Branded T-Shirt in a Can

Wireless Earbuds

A good drink is always accompanied by good music, thus wireless earphones in a can is a fit promotional giveaway for the occasion!

These wireless earphones in a can produce high-quality sound and reduce noise so people to fully enjoy their drinks with music!

Custom Sling Bag

If you’re looking for unique promotional merchandise, these custom sling bag is the right one for you.

With a metallic shoulder strap, this classy and trendy sling bag is one people could ring anywhere.

Beer Promo Ideas

Speaker in a Can

For a larger number of people that could enjoy great music with great drinks, a speaker in a can is the answer.

This Bluetooth speaker can easily be connected to any kind of smartphone or music player and is portable enough to bring anywhere. Let your consumers feel the beat wherever they are with this promotional gift!

Pepsi Promotions Through The Years

Pepsi Launches Max Lime In-Store With Bespoke Retail Display Stands

With our years of experience in the retail industry, we cannot stress enough the importance of having effective and engaging […]

Shop Display Ideas: How Pepsi Made Buzz in Vietnam

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Free Standing Display Unit: How Did Pepsi Naturally Command Attention?

When people step into retail stores, their eyes automatically sweep the establishment to know where they will get the […]

We listed more pop-up shop blogs for you here:

For more details about pop up stores and how they can be beneficial to your brand and business, check out this blog below:

This pop-up fan zone for fans in celebration of the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand definitely nailed the concept! They gave away branded merchandise and even included an interactive selfie stand!

In this MasterCard store, people can experience virtual reality! Check out how the brand managed to stimulate people’s senses and ensure bystanders would want to step inside here:

To conclude,

Your pop up shop design could affect the number of people you could advertise with, how your target market would move around your shop and how remarkable it would be for them. From the mobility to the floor plan and the overall design of your promotional store, you must secure an immersive brand experience for consumers to sink their teeth into.

This calls for careful planning which ODM can help you with! We’re a promotional product development company with decades of experience in the industry. We also have a creative team, Mindsparkz, which specialises in the customisation of promotional merchandise and branded displays.

Some of our services are in manufacturing your branded products, gift-with-purchase merchandise ideas, sourcing premium corporate merchandise and client gifts as well as designing unique point-of-sale and free-standing display units. Contact us now!

Pop Up Shop Ideas FAQs

All you need to know about pop up shop ideas!

What is a pop-up shop?

A pop-up shop is a temporary retail space that is typically used to introduce a new product line, test a new market or generate awareness for a product or cause.

What is the purpose of a pop-up store?

Pop-up shops serve as a strategy for retail organizations to create excitement in the marketplace, engage with customers, cultivate buy-in, and experiment with new products, brands, or markets before committing to permanent locations.

Where to set up pop up shop?